


美国.S. 教育部要求高校提供消费者, students 和 their families’ full disclosure to all consumer information as required by federal law under the Title IV Education Act of 1965. 这条法律旨在保障学生的知情权, 和 to allow students the opportunity to make fully informed choices regarding the institution of higher learning most desired.


与该机构目前提供的学位和课程有关的消费者和披露信息, 认证信息, 信用转移政策, 教师和行政人员的名单可以在学院的网站上找到.


In compliance with the Jeanne Cleary Disclosure of Campus Security Policy 和 Campus Crime Statistics Act (The Cleary Act), WCC年度罪案统计数字(PDF) 包括前几年发生在校园内或校园周围的犯罪报告数据. 获取其他信息或与校园安全代表交谈, 请拨打919-739-7050与校园警察联系.


The Drug Fee Schools 和 Campuses Act of 1989 requires that all students be notified annually of WCC’s Alcohol 和 Controlled Substance Use Policy 和 Drug-Free Workplace Policy. Other policies regarding student conduct 和 sanction for violations can be found in the WCC Catalog 和 Student H和book.

家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA) -学生在教育记录中的隐私权

The federal Family Education Rights 和 隐私 Act of 1974 (FERPA) 和 regulations adopted subsequent to the act, 设置我们的要求,旨在保护学生在学校保存的记录中的隐私. WCC已将FERPA纳入学院网站上的学生记录管理政策 chcmarketplace.com/about-wcc/consumer-information/ferpa/.


全日制,首次本科生的毕业率可在WCC网站上查阅 生均.ed.政府. Degree completion 和 graduation rates may be obtained from the Office of Institutional Advancement Planning 和 Research or by calling 919-739-7009.


与经济援助有关的消费者披露信息可能包括出席费用, 援助类型的描述, 申请程序及程序, 经济援助如何记入信用,  学生的权利和责任, 支付信息, 退款及还款政策, 满足学业进步政策的财政援助,  和退伍军人教育福利. 这些信息可以在学院的网站上访问 chcmarketplace.com/financial-aid/.


学院停止参加威廉·D. 2013-2014学年的福特联邦直接贷款项目. 有关WCC官方队列违约率的信息, 包括学生借款人的数量和全国平均队列违约率,可在 http://www2.ed.Administration /办公室/ OSFAP / defaultmanagement / cdr.html.


一般入学用途, WCC does not require immunization or medical records for domestic students; however specific programs may require vaccinations 和 immunization records. For more information regarding WCC’s vaccination 和 medical records policy or to see if a specific program requires submission of medical records, 您可以拨打919-739-6720联系入学和记录办公室.

教科书信息(国际标准书号、价格等.),浏览WCC书店的网页 bkstr.com/wayneccbookstore.com, selecting the appropriate “Rent or Buy Textbooks” tab 和 following the steps  to obtain books for courses at the College. 有关教科书的更多信息,可以拨打书店919-739-7021查询.

为了方便您,学费计算器位于大学导航网站 生均.ed.政府 / collegenavigator. 输入“澳门金沙棋牌游戏”,选择“NC”作为州. 选择“显示结果”,选择“学费,费用和估计学生费用”选项卡. 要获得多年费用的估计,请点击“多年学费计算器”图标.

联邦法规要求学院提供有关选民登记的信息. 要获得选民登记表,您可以致电919-739-6735与财政援助办公室联系. 有关选民登记的其他资料,请浏览以下连结: ncsbe.政府 / ncsbe.


澳门金沙棋牌游戏, 作为联邦贷款计划的参与者, is required to have a code of conduct relating to student financial aid matters that is applicable to the College’s agents 和 employees. The code of conduct requirements are set forth in the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) signed into law on August 14, 2008. 此外,法律还包括与准则的公布和年度披露有关的要求.


The HEOA program participation agreement must be executed by all colleges 和 universities participating in Title IV financial aid programs including student loan programs requires a code of conduct with which the institution’s agents 和 employees must comply. Such code must prohibit a conflict of interest with the responsibilities of an agent or employee of an institution with respect to such loans, 并包括《澳门金沙棋牌游戏》中有关冲突的规定. The law further specifies that the code shall be displayed prominently on the institution’s website 和 that all institutional agents or employees with responsibilities related to such loans be annually informed of the provisions of the code of conduct.


行为准则政策适用于学院的所有代理或员工. The Code of Conduct shall be annually distributed to all college agents or employees with responsibilities related to student loan 活动.


澳门金沙棋牌游戏 hereby adopts the following as its Code of Conduct Related to Student Loan Activities 和 will annually inform all College agents 和 employees with responsibilities for student loan 活动 和 decisions of the provisions of this code.

  1. Revenue Sharing Arrangements – the College shall not enter into any revenue sharing arrangement with any lender. 术语“收益分享安排” 指学院与贷款人之间的安排,根据该安排:
    1. 贷款人提供或发放一笔已作出的贷款, 向在学院就读的学生或这些学生的家庭提供保险或担保, 和
    2. 学院推荐出借人或出借人的贷款产品并作为交换, 贷款人支付费用或提供其他物质利益, 包括收入或利润分成给学院, 学院的代理人或雇员.
  2. Gifts – no employee of the College who is employed in the financial aid office of the College or who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to education loans, 不得索取或者接受贷款人的赠与, 担保人, 或教育贷款服务商. 这个词 “礼物” 指任何小费, 忙, 折扣, 娱乐, 热情好客, 货币价值超过最低金额的贷款或其他物品. 这个词包括服务的礼物, 运输, 住宿, 或者吃饭,不管是否提供实物, 通过购买门票, 预付款, 或在费用发生后报销. “赠与”一词不包括下列内容:
    1. 标准材料, 活动, 或者是与贷款相关的项目, 默认的厌恶, 默认的预防, 或者金融知识, 比如宣传册, 一个车间, 或培训.
    2. 食物, 点心, 培训, 或提供给学院代理人或雇员的信息材料, 作为培训课程的一个组成部分,旨在改善贷款人的服务, 担保人, 或向学院提供教育贷款的服务, 如果此类培训有助于代理商或员工的专业发展.
    3. 有利的条件, 条件, 和借款人的教育贷款的利益提供给学生受雇于学院(如有), 条件, 或福利与提供给学院所有学生的福利相当.
    4. Entrance 和 exit counseling services provided to borrowers to meet the College’s responsibilities for entrance 和 exit counseling as required by law, 只要学院的工作人员控制咨询, 亲自或通过电子方式, 此类咨询并不推广任何特定贷款人的产品或服务.
    5. 贷款人对学院的慈善捐款, 服务机构, (三)与教育贷款无关的教育贷款担保人或者出借人的出资, 担保人, 或服务,不是为了交换任何与教育贷款有关的好处.
    6. 由州或代表州管理的州教育补助金、奖学金或财政援助基金.

给学院的代理人或雇员的家庭成员的礼物, 或者根据个人与代理人或雇员的关系向任何其他个人转让, 应视为送给代理人或雇员的礼物, 如果礼物是在代理人或雇员知情和默许的情况下赠送的,以及代理人和雇员, 是否有理由相信该礼品是由于代理人或雇员的官方职位而赠送的.

  1. Compensation for Services – 代理人或雇员 who is employed in the 金融援助 Office of the College or who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to education loans shall not accept from any lender or affiliate of any lender, 任何费用, payment or other financial benefit including but limited to the opportunity to purchase stock as compensation for any type or consulting arrangement or other contract to provide services to a lender or on behalf of a lender relating to education loans.
    1. 代理人或雇员 of the College who is not employed in the College’s 金融援助 Office 和 does not otherwise have responsibilities with respect to education loans, 从执行有偿或无偿服务的贷款人的董事会, 担保人, 或教育贷款服务商.
    2. 代理人或雇员 of the College who is not employed in the College’s 金融援助 Office but who has responsibility with respect to education loans as a result of a apposition held at the College, 在银行董事会中提供有偿和无偿服务, 担保人, 或教育贷款服务商, if the agent or employee declines from participating in any decision of the board regarding education loans at the College.
    3. 代理人或雇员, 或者贷款人的承包商, 担保人, 或教育贷款服务商 from serving as a member of the College Board of Trustees if the trustee withdraws from participating in any decision regarding education loans at the College.


Any employee that violates this Code of Conduct shall be disciplined in a manner consistent with applicable College policies.
